BJJ Fanatics Brutal Catch Wrestling Leg Riding and Hammerlocks. With Snake Pit U.S.A. Head Coach Joel Bane!

NEW FROM BJJ FANATICS! Brutal Catch Wrestling Leg Riding and Hammerlocks
Use Catch Wrestling’s Aggressive Approach To Catch Opponent’s By Surprise With Unorthodox Joint Locking Techniques From Snake Pit U.S.A. Head Coach Joel Bane! Take on any guard with Joel’s shin ride system that will open up guard passes and quick hitting leg attacks. Force the opponent to turtle with non-stop attacks that transition seamlessly into leg rides, back takes, submissions and MORE!
Learn the old-school Catch-style Hammerlock, and then use it against modern styles of grappling. Joel Bane is a high level black belt in BJJ AND JUDO on top of his Catch Wrestling Expertise. Combine the best grappling arts into a complete system of attack from the top! Available now at:…/brutal-catch-wrestling-leg…
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